EPS Nomination
Get your prescriptions sent electronically from your GP to us by nominating our pharmacy for electronic prescription service.
Chickenpox Vaccine
Chickenpox is a common childhood infection. Usually, it’s mild and complications are rare. Almost all children develop immunity to chickenpox after infection, so most only catch it once.
Smoking Cessation Service
Our Smoking Cessation Service is designed to help you quit smoking through expert advice and Nicotine replacement products.
Alopecia (male Pattern Baldness) Treatment
You can get Alopecia (Androgenetic Male pattern baldness) treatment in Brighton and Hove from our Pharmacy.
Get your antimalarials for your next trip. Safe and convenient access to antimalarials. Book your appointment.
Weight Loss Service
Our weight loss service offers safe and convenient access to expert advice and treatments to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Hair Loss Service
We offer a hair loss service at our pharmacy. Speak to our pharmacist for expert advice and for available treatments.
Disposal Of Unwanted Medicines
Learn why it’s important to safely dispose of unwanted or expired medicines and how we can help.
Emergency Contraception (ehc) Private
Private Emergency Contraception (EHC) ( Morning After Pill ) in Brighton & Hove is available from Leybourne pharmacy.
Community Dosage Systems
The community dosage system is a service for those patients who take a large number of medications or who can’t remember to take their medications on time due to their conditions or circumstance.